February Community Circle

February Community Circle

Friday, February 18, 2022


2:00 pm

Central Standard Time


Niashay Whitaker, LMHC

I have always had a passion for helping others. After graduating with my Bachelors in Psychology I
decided to dedicate my time to service through AmeriCorps. Soon after I embarked on my career in
mental health starting as a group leader and counselor at an eating disorder treatment facility. I
immediately noticed a lack of diversity in these spaces from staff to clients. This fueled me to go for my
Masters degree in community counseling at Seattle University. Since graduating in 2017 I have continued
furthering my expertise and training servicing diverse populations, and raising the awareness of eating
disorders in minority communities. I have done talks, trainings, groups, and more recently began the
launch of the first BIPOC center IOP. Currently I am working on a workshop training for professionals
wanting to learn more about servicing the BIPOC eating disorder population. I look forward to continuing
to grow and learn while helping others along the way. My mission is to provide quality care and
accessibility for therapy.

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